As We Know It Might Be the Zombie Romcom Destined to Disarm Audiences

Image via Buffalo 8

As We Know It maybe a zombie romcom flick that embraces Edgar Wright and rips pages from the Ruben Fleischer playbook, but director Josh Monkarsh also brings his own brand of mayhem to bear thanks to a charismatic cast. Not only paying homage to those mavericks at Troma by leaning into the ludicrous when James (Mike Castle) attempts to fend off threats, but also turning a blind eye to Bruce (Oliver Cooper) brandishing hot wings, while Emily (Taylor Blackwell) avoids becoming a human happy meal. Trapped inside this house on the Hollywood Hills with a flesh-eating threat consuming the country, this leftfield love triangle needs to settle their differences and seal all the exits, but more importantly someone should throw away that soya milk. 

Image via Buffalo 8

Despite a less than lavish budget As We Know It proves that solid writing and skilled actors can deliver something special, as this homage to zombie romcoms packs in some fine performances and more than its fair share of emotional honesty. With Cooper doing his best Jonah Hill pre-Moneyball, Bruce is a slacker creation that feels instantly familiar yet narrowly avoids becoming a caricature thanks to the actor beneath the façade. Given the limited location and opportunities for sustained threat, Monkarsh chooses instead to hint at an outside world in turmoil through television allowing his actors to excel through interaction.  

Image via Buffalo 8

Opposite Castle embracing his heartbroken everyman persona, Bruce dominates through dialogue and runs rings around his fictional best friend in their early scenes. With the arrival of Emily comes a change in dynamic, that relegates Bruce to a combination of awkward onlooker, comic relief, and calming influence in times of crisis. Confined to these four walls this romcom zombie flick might have easily lost momentum were it not for this effortlessly excellent ensemble, who fully commit on all fronts irrespective of the absurdity. However, beyond the central trio of Emily, James, and Bruce a special mention should be reserved for Danny Mondello. 

Image via Buffalo 8

Breezing in with all the late 90s chic of a Richard Linklater creation, Rory almost steals this film out from under everyone, casually commanding attention carrying nothing more than two bags of chicken wings. At a point when As We Know It might have become predictable, Rory feels like a breath of fresh air that provides just enough comic relief before events take a turn and Monkarsh moves in another direction.  


Image via Buffalo 8

What will consistently surprise audiences is just how much this director has achieved given the inherent constraints of indie filmmaking. There is a distinctive style that exists from the opening frame alongside numerous examples of his influences from elsewhere, and yet As We Know It delivers so much more than mere homage during its slim running time. Amongst the principal cast, Blackwell (American Gigolo) might not be granted the most screen time while Pam Grier (Ms. Jones) barely avoids being classed as stunt casting, but regardless of those minor niggles this indie gem proves to be a disarming addition to romcom zombie cinema.  

As We Know It is available on demand from 1 December and in selected US cinemas now.   

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