Review: Keira Knightley and Carrie Coon prove to be a formidable duo in ‘Boston Strangler’

Image via Hulu.

Martha and the Vandellas is blasting from a nearby television set, neighbors are fighting in another apartment, while beneath all the hubbub, something more gruesome is playing out. Muffled sounds of a struggle combine with frantic thrashing, as Boston Strangler cranks out another chorus of “Nowhere To Run,” and audiences are sucked back to the 1960s.

In this whip-smart dramatization of those infamous killings – which started in 1962 – the people of Boston soon learned to keep their doors locked. 13 strangulations took place over three years, executed with cool-headed precision by a calculating assailant. Boston Strangler, circa 2023, attacks from a journalistic angle rather than looking to mirror anything in Richard Fleischer’s 1968 version, which starred Henry Fonda and Tony Curtis.

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