We Got This Covered – Review: ‘Choose or Die,’ challenging its audience, isn’t just another indie horror film

In ‘Choose or Die,’ a game turns terrifying, and a score from a former notorious frontman ups the movie’s considerable chill factor.

It would be easy to write off Choose or Die as just another indie horror film, lost amongst a slew of other movies on Netflix. However, although the premise of a cursed computer game might seem pedestrian, in this case, necessity is the mother of invention —  if only because a small budget with big ambitions often offers more scope for story than a mega-money franchise with nothing but smoke and mirrors. This is a fact which hits home hard in the firm’s opening minutes, when the protagonist has some immediate difficult choices to make.

Read more at: https://wegotthiscovered.com/reviews/review-choose-or-die-challenging-its-audience-isnt-just-another-indie-horror-film/

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